This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.
Yep...below are some embryonic morphologies on an A4 vacuum-formed machine. Sorry for being late in updating my blog, due dates were obtruding from everywhere (although I had only one due date).Never mind. Below are some pictures of a vacuum-form morphologies. enjoy!
As a course of action that is required of any Rhizometect by the rhizometectural position, social custom or law, I thereby declare the intentions (really I am into it) of building my first A4 size Vacuum-Forming machine. Of course i will, later on, be upgrading this post with new images revealing the corporeal vacuum-formed machine that is intensifying the tools of a Rhizometect.
As I promised you earlier at the begining of the Holy Month of Most Holy Mother Mary(1st. of May), I hereby indicate the removal of all religious indications to moralize my blog only for architectural commemoration of Rhizometectural becomings. However, this act should not tackle anyone's belief in his/her way of worshiping. I, as a Rhizometect, can not mention religious issues or even bring religious issues into polemic debates. We are only Rhizometects and we should only Rhizomefy.