This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Rhizometect say: "Scrutinize Ditto"

" we don't care neither to clean shoes nor to wax boats, we can only tell you to: "F <> <> <> OFF "
To "peruse" on the above, read profoundly what was written in this blogspot on Saturday, July 22, 2006. Click here

You can read this in this current present, yesteryears, or in the years to come; because it's spatio-temporal,i.e. its purport changes with the commutation of space interdependent on a specific time whether in the past, present or future.