This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

They started speaking of a Post-War Beirut...when it is still being Nomadized

What can I say. Or can I say, can I think, can I deduce ? Am I allowed to deduce? Am I allowed to decide? ... But it seems that I can only speculate; and below are some of my speculations in this cuurent strata of a Pseudo-Democracy.

What some might say in a post-war beirut:

There are some who would come to say: "Hey, I have been traveling from a metropolis to the other, meeting friendly species who were once assistants in times of disgrace. Now I come back to you bringing hope of a peaceful colony, a colony whose nationals are alienated citizens. Those can bring me prosperity, then these aliens can replace my nationals. After all, this scenario was supposed to exist decades ago".

And there are some who come to say: "listen, we have been working to turn it off. We endangered our own species, so now we need inter-communal sacrifices from you_nationals of a turned-off colony. But wait again, we don't ask for monetary trades. We don't need you to clean our disgrace. We only ask you humbly to allow our species to alienate you. After all, you nationals are doomed to alienation before "it" occured.

But there are some who if they thought to say will face the 2 mentioned ditto: " we don't care neither to clean shoes nor to wax boats, we can only tell you to: "F <> <> <> OFF ".