This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Said Akl Creativity Award... has been a long time since i last updated you with "rhizometectural" work. I beleive now is the time. I did won the Said Akl Award on Creativity. So for those who beleived I was procrastinating, this is what I was accomplishing. I won't add much but I will leave you with some slides on the presentation along with the project presented.

Any comment would be highly appreciated.

Well, for the time being, I will only afford such a humble supply of information. But i promise you that in the coming weeks you would be experiencing a thorough representation of above conceptions embodied in the senior project.