N.B: all above pictures are captured using canon eos 30 elan 7 slr film camera using Ilford XP2 Super 400 black and white film.
It's been quite an interesting blackout since i last posted on blogspot, however, and me going back on the track of acculturating online again; i'll herald some brief moments that stood a point in the past few months.
.. it's been work that's been taking all time. in fact part of that time, not all of the time.. next to work, it was transportation.. you know how it's in lebanon to cross 10 km daily.. there's somehow a formula for lebanese transportation: in the morning, between 7.30 and 8.00: 1 km=> 10 min in beirut and district.. between 8 and 12.00 1 km=>5 min. between 17.00 and 18.30, 1km=>11 min..
but wait a minute, did anyone mention public transportation? yes, i did .. the governments' mafias decided unanimously to "terminate" all government owned buses to be replaced by Politicians' owned ones. but then that "governmental mafia" was overturned by some other local street gangs and decided that buses should only be "under the sole rule" of that one person standing at ses... square obtaining a 1000 l.l for every bus, 40 buses a day, hence achieving a min of 700,000 l.l per month. yes, that's the guy who only has to stand at that specific street crossing to organize buses.
nevertheless, this post won't be to shed light on the already defamed lebanese "public' transportation, than to simply post some of the "personal" things i found interesting for you-readerly writers of my blog to enjoy and adhere to.
Even though participating in the 10 km "run for chance" beirut marathon event, and passing those 10 km in 1 hour and 42 minutes (couldn't run due to lack of training), i shall herein try to post some images of the marathon as an addendum to this post.
.."he discovered an orphan line of thinkers affiliated only in their opposition to the state philosophy that would nevertheless accord them minor positions in its canon. from Lucretius, Hume, Spinoza, Nietzsche, and Bergson there runs a "secret link constituted by the critique of negativity, the cultivation of joy, the hatred of interiority, the exteriority of forces and relations, the denunciation of power." Gille Deleuze cross-fertilized that line of "Nomad thought" with contemporary theory..." see a User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Brian Massumi, p.2-3
and so does nomad, being bound by that exact lineage, that secret link to bind them to nomad thought. It's that ability to bring heterogeneities into an assemblage keeping on that multiplicity within the marginal footnotes.
As i always put it, to thrive, strive, we need to embark the footnotes. we need to be on the footnotes, the marginals that would obliterate the imposing force of the self into a power-self that would reign over war state (machinic state).
.. it goes without saying, the dilation of the tight present into a contemporaneous of future-past coexistence, would pave ways to incorporating timely heterogeneities to be assembled again, presumably speculating, into a neo, or sort of, a post-theory of forms.
Enough of the nomadic thoughts illustrations, let us now scrutinize together some of the "future-past" dilations temporized in black and white as to avoid inter-cultural conflicts, of course me being a pacifist, wouldn't allow for any other.