This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Final Senior Project Review...
Alas, after many weeks of research, communication, installation and adaptation to latest 3D simulation softwares, and few pre-reviews, i came to finally present my Diploma senior project last wednesday on the 20th of December 2006. As for the review itself, I just want to say that it turned out to becoming a rather intellectual debate lecture about post-systemic and post-platonic conceptions of forms and from-generation. I believe this sums it up. The jury members were dubious at some issues, but this only occurred due to some obscured drawings presented (but i tell you it was part of my subliminal aim to conveying such an atmosphere of uncertainty). The final evaluation was a success in the conceptual proposal, the formal and spatial aesthetic portrayal, but of course, as many of you guys out there (interested in reading such stuff), the structural analysis came to a momentum hindrance due to the lack of tools (especially CNC milling machines, the lack of digital technologies in the middle eastern culture in general, and the lack of profound research in the development of custom-made structural solutions); nevertheless, in these cases, referring to lately developed prototypes as similar to Anish Capoor millennium park, Frank Ghery's innovative solutions...all provided persuasive response to hindered issues.
I know now you are being deterritorialized by the above sentences and you are more than eager to peak at some of the presented work. So here it is in its partiality.Enjoy the so-called "an Architectural Masturbation"
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Nomads Say:
*N.B: here beirut comes as an adjective and not the noun representing lebanon's capital
Monday, October 23, 2006
is it gender-neutral or can we determine its sex and gender
Is it gender-neutral or can we determine its sex and gender?
Can a building be a he or a she, and are we able to determine a building's sex gender; or are buildings gender-neutral?
First, can we determine a building's sex and gender/ sex refers to the male and female duality of biology and reproduction. Gender has more to do with identity than biology. It determines the state of being male or female or neither. Wikipedia Encyclopedia
Why don’t we tell if a building is a female or a male and When can we tell if a building is a he or a she. Should we look at certain elements to determine a building’s sex and gender, should we look at the buildings’ functions. Is it a visual identity, or is it related to its structural complexity, the use of many elements, or is it its name, is it the functional integrity inside the building itself that determines its sex and gender. Are we able to determine it by vision? Are we able to determine the building’s sex and gender through our senses?
And when are we able to generate a building that is either a he or a she or a gender-neutral?
Answers to questions Ditto will be tackeld more profoundly in the twin post-systemic blogspot:
Monday, September 25, 2006
Who cares !
No one cares if Boeing developes a new rival (a 787 Dreamliner) to Airbus (A 380) by the end of 200Y.
No one cares if Bin Laden is still kicking or will be dead by the end of 200Z.
No one cares if Blair pulls his troops from Iraq by the end of 200X.
No one cares if Birds flapping wings can cause a shift in global weather by the end of 200Y.
No one cares if Bagdad is on the verge of the civil war by the end of 200Z.
But all care if Blogger decides to capitulate to an international infringement of google accounts at the pace of National Security Protocols; maybe aiming to save earth from a global terrorist disaster by impregnating viruses into secured accounts, hence generating evolutionary parametric algorithms to fight it back by the end of 200X.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
inconsiderable apology :)
Final Review was supposed to be on September (as I previously informed you nomadic members of the swarm), but now Senior Project’s Final Review is decidedly agreed to be held “soon” enough (willingly sometime b/w October 5 and 30)
Having uttered this, I am wrapping up my conceptions into a Final Senior Project in an attempt to present. This entails some swiftness in work and a “shiftness’” from daily to weekly posts. Nevertheless, I render the feasibility of posting few images of yet to come Final Senior Project, even though posting them before the final review.
Here is just a slight idea of what i am dealing with in my senior project:

Monday, August 28, 2006
Seen before...but not in a Rhizomatic context !
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Just some infos to note for !
Click on Copyright image below to view content.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
A Rhizometect's perception of the MiddleEast Paradox !
Rhizometect needs you all, active writerly readers(passive readers are discarded) to comment whether in this blogspot or in the original location of the movie.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Russian Refuses Highest Math Honor !
Just to summarize, it is all an issue of "topological admiration". This being endorsed Topology so much as to leave behind a Fields Medal and a $1 million.
Hmm...will any architect be such a boaster one day and leave behind The Pritzker Architecture Prize? Maybe a rhizometect might.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Acephalous peace => No Procrastination => Snr. Pr. Due Date
This issue, nevertheless, entails me to banish procrastination in favor of wraping up my Senior Project. Yes, I say it once more, there is no time to spare on additional though fertile extensive research any more. What they only did was cutting the lizard's tail (and they thought it was the snake's head"s" instead).

By the way, I found this image in Wikipedia encyclopedia website, and I need you to speculate on it a bit. I'll be giving you its description soon.

Now it seems the time to paste the image with explanation(picture to the right)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Rhizometect say: "Scrutinize Ditto"
To "peruse" on the above, read profoundly what was written in this blogspot on Saturday, July 22, 2006. Click here
You can read this in this current present, yesteryears, or in the years to come; because it's spatio-temporal,i.e. its purport changes with the commutation of space interdependent on a specific time whether in the past, present or future.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
farewell to procrastination...farewell to the semantics of war !
Or should I say, Farewell to the semantics of peace and war. I don't know as I am concerned, but those of you out there defninitely know something. I believe you know a slight thing about an "Airline Bomb Plot", then why shouldn't you know anything about "a farewell to war and peace" !
Ofcourse I am more than ever now eager to witness a Middle East whereby we come to have a unified dictionary demystifying an abrupt use of the terms Peace and War not as antonyms but as synonyms. Yes, I am attesting an embryology of a Middle Eastern Dictionary whose terms of peace and war are not opposite anymore. In fact this new dictionary comprise only the two terms: peace and war.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Who we really are: From the (N-1) to the Nth
By Rhizometect

Friday, August 04, 2006
Post-Script: Socio-politico-Gravitational speculations !
I will only leave you, for the space-time being, with this analogy b/w a well-ordered balanced cosmology and a disordered complex yet balanced mundane.
According to me, Rhizometect, it seems that all curent socio-political issue elucidates Issac Newton's gravitational hypothesis but in an opposite inverse scenario.
In other terms, Issac Newton observed apples falling from the tree then he deduced, of course after much mathematical experimentation, that "gravity" is the perpetrator.
Now what is happening, or at least what is going to happen, is the inverse of Newton's hypothesis. "They" are appropriating the term "gravity" then they wait and observe the apple tree (even though they know what is next).
Oll Korrect only if apples do fall down vertically (or at least as they hope so).
But what if apples flew up?
What if apples never came to fall at all?
But by the time we intuit this, the term "gravity" would have been resided and changing and replacing it by another identification might be and should be perverse.
I won't be able now to explain profoundly my speculations (due to the fact that the internet is nowadays vulnerable to blackHoles that are emulsifying the world wide web's "self-determination"). But if such speculation is scientifically feasable, then its feasability intensify also in a "socio-politico-gravitational" comsmological conflict per se.
Hawking Says Space Colonies Needed...I think he's right
· Hawking's conundrum draws 25,000 responses
· Best bet, he says, may be to go into outer space
Ian Sample, science correspondent
Thursday August 3, 2006
The Guardian
Introducing himself to the online community as a theoretical physicist and Lucasian professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge, the 64-year-old scientist posed an open question: "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"
The question appeared on the website Yahoo Answers a month ago, immediately stirring up an internet storm that saw more than 25,000 people log on to give their deeply-considered views: some said we should just learn to get along, others predicted technology would see us through, and more still invoked the powers of God, love and peace.
But what the world wanted most of all was to hear the great scientist answer his own question, an intervention, most were convinced, that would amount to nothing less than a definitive treatise for human survival. Yesterday, the professor's response finally arrived. In a videoclip submission, the familiar electronic voice pronounced: "I don't know the answer. That is why I asked the question."
Signs of disappointment were muted yesterday, with one respondent choosing to applaud the scientist's honesty. "It is humbling to know that this question was asked by one of the most intelligent humans on the planet ... without already knowing a clear answer," wrote Inetap.
Others took a more encompassing view of life, concluding that humans had had a good innings and it was time to hand over the planet, albeit in a shabby state, to a new caretaker species to see if they could do better. "Maybe the human race shouldn't survive. Let other life forms flourish. We suck," said Video_stooge.
But Prof Hawking's frank admission that even he was stumped by the question merely opened a lengthy response. In a four-minute recorded reply, he laid out a beginner's guide to the changing face of threats to mankind, from devastating asteroid impact and nuclear war to climate change and rampaging genetically modified viruses.
In the long term, Prof Hawking says, humans will only survive if they can leave the rock they call home and spread out into space, to transform and occupy planets around our own sun and then around other suns. Failing that, he adds, perhaps our best bet is to use genetic engineering to tinker with the human species and make us less prone to fighting war.
The reply has now joined the multitude of responses from others who tried to answer the original question, among them succinct advice for us all to eat more fruit and veg, fledgling plans to live underwater, and functional advice to keep eating, breathing and having sex.
But Prof Hawking's message cut the online community into broad camps, populated by optimists, religious groups, climate change deniers and fellow doom-mongers. Rabbit, one poster, believed that despite war, climate change and a breathtaking acceleration of new technology, humankind was not about to annihilate itself. "It will work out ... There will undoubtedly be problems and disasters, but nothing so devastating to match your pessimism. Lighten up!"
The scientist's personal favourite answer came from the fittingly monikered Semi-Mad Scientist. "Without the belief that we will continue to grow and overcome the pains of social chaos as we mature as a species, we might as well not have any faith at all. I'm not talking religion ... but simply the same belief that we will survive just as much as the sun will rise the next day," he said.
Hawking Says Space Colonies Needed
The Associated Press
Tuesday, June 13, 2006; 1:42 PM
HONG KONG -- The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy the Earth, world-renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said Tuesday.
Humans could have a permanent base on the moon in 20 years and a colony on Mars in the next 40 years, the British scientist told a news conference.
"We won't find anywhere as nice as Earth unless we go to another star system," added Hawking, who arrived in Hong Kong to a rock star's welcome Monday. Tickets for his lecture planned for Wednesday were sold out.
He added that if humans can avoid killing themselves in the next 100 years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth.
"It is important for the human race to spread out into space for the survival of the species," Hawking said. "Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of."
The 64-year-old scientist _ author of the global best seller "A Brief History of Time" _ is wheelchair-bound and communicates with the help of a computer because he suffers from a neurological disorder called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.
Hawking said he's teaming up with his daughter to write a children's book about the universe, aimed at the same age group as the Harry Potter books.
"It is a story for children, which explains the wonders of the universe," said his daughter, Lucy, a journalist and novelist. They didn't provide other details.
Quotations from Hawking...
- Stephen Hawking
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Could you speculate on that !
"...if you have arms, and you don't use them, then you don't really need them...but if you show you need to use them, then you get is complicated..."
The above quotation is in context of the current Middle East crisis. In other words, according to my cyberfriend (who, by the way, is a well-literate person in foreign policies and a researcher in Middle Eastern studies), it represents the main direct yet complex whole perception of the current crisis.
I won't add more but I leave you to speculate on it (which I will be doing the same right now).
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
They started speaking of a Post-War Beirut...when it is still being Nomadized
What can I say. Or can I say, can I think, can I deduce ? Am I allowed to deduce? Am I allowed to decide? ... But it seems that I can only speculate; and below are some of my speculations in this cuurent strata of a Pseudo-Democracy.
What some might say in a post-war beirut:
There are some who would come to say: "Hey, I have been traveling from a metropolis to the other, meeting friendly species who were once assistants in times of disgrace. Now I come back to you bringing hope of a peaceful colony, a colony whose nationals are alienated citizens. Those can bring me prosperity, then these aliens can replace my nationals. After all, this scenario was supposed to exist decades ago".
And there are some who come to say: "listen, we have been working to turn it off. We endangered our own species, so now we need inter-communal sacrifices from you_nationals of a turned-off colony. But wait again, we don't ask for monetary trades. We don't need you to clean our disgrace. We only ask you humbly to allow our species to alienate you. After all, you nationals are doomed to alienation before "it" occured.
But there are some who if they thought to say will face the 2 mentioned ditto: " we don't care neither to clean shoes nor to wax boats, we can only tell you to: "F <> <> <> OFF ".
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Beirut Nomadized
-Am I witnessing an organized localized war on my own soil, and is it they who triggered it? They who once called for a democratic Cedar Revolution?
-What Cedar revolution are we speaking about? the one that followed the death of P.M Hariri? -Is it that they wanted a revolution on the revolution?
-Be it that commands ordered an initiated revolution on democracy, on our adhoc democracy? -Or be it that we are destined to practice a democracy of an "unaltered tyrany".
I will not speak much now due to the fact that electricity is being interrupted by Israeli bombs all over Lebanon and I have to save my laptop battery. But let me adjourn by flooring this polemic:
When robert McNamara went to vietnam during a truce b/w the vietnamese and the US, the vietnamese official told McNamara:
" are fighting other countries on our soil from one hand and claiming we are terrorists when we resist on the other hand,... but we will ultimately win because we are fighting for a belief, a cause , we are fighting for existence, that such cause could never be over-run by stated ordered democracy..."
[N.B: Concerning the bove quotation, I couldn't memorize it exactly as is, but I managed as sincerely as possible to copy the basic concept behind it. It is captioned from the biographic movie by Robert Mc.Namara]
P.S: All ideas and inquisitions posted here are not to be answered under any conditions. Nevertheless, any copying, plagiarising or editing any or part of the text existed above would result in a thorough scientific persue of the copier's ID number, its amunition, and all those who manipulated and perpetrated it both consciously and unconsciously under any circumstances whatsoever these circumstances are ( whether it is a lack of ink or humid papers feeded, or interrupted electricity)
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Said Akl Creativity Award...

Any comment would be highly appreciated.

Well, for the time being, I will only afford such a humble supply of information. But i promise you that in the coming weeks you would be experiencing a thorough representation of above conceptions embodied in the senior project.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Ultimately...a Vacuum_formed machine
Monday, June 05, 2006
My First A4 size Vacuum-Form Machine

Sunday, June 04, 2006
PostScript !
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Or else be us Puppeteers?...He lived in 2406 B.C. ... and still thinks he rule !

""Que nul n'entre sous mon Toit s'il n'est geometre."".
(Above slogan was originally written in greek, but the only translation that could honestly manifest the true meaning is to be found in french. However, we, NDU architecture students, managed to translate it to english with the profound help of Dr. Farid Younes in one of his theory
nevertheless, no one has ever translated it to any other language with the exact translation that sicerely reflects plato's intentions
Our translation is:
(he who hasen't mastered geometry should not enter my academia)
2406 years have passed and still:
There are some who say: we are born with a collective sub-conscious manipulating us to "design" intuitively any shape, since all shapes are and do exist or once existed.
And there are some who say: let's face it. Now we are architects and designers and now we have the right (we always had the right) to "CREATE". We are Natural Born "CREATIVE ARCHITECTS AND DESIGNERS".
But there is "anyone" who have said and is saying what have been said and what haven't to have been said:
He who hasen't mastered NURBS topology, should not enter the "any" Akademia but is privileged to enter the academia of "architectural heresy".
N.B: I know fellow members of the swarm that your comments would definitely cast their "greeness" on the provided post written herein.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Should I say: No more "Procrastination"?
Is "Procrastination" a sub-conscious reflex to acquire optimal solutions, especially if the aim was or is of an "Absolute" realm?
For the coming few weeks i will be indulged in some atronomically cosmical opus. However, i will and shall not claim the " NO MORE PROCRASTINATION" thing, because, being on the verge of becoming a rhizometect, I would dare myself to Procrastinate.

And do you consider this procrastination?
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Aren't they members of the rhizomatic community?
Well, although defined by some as the ugliest creatures below the surface of the earth, I can see no uncommonality why we can't appropriate these creatures to architecture. I mean we hover arround "drawing" plans, sections, elevations, and sometimes we "build" 3d physical models and then with some money in the budget, we go into the 3d virtual simulation tools. But, let's face it, what we come out with "are" architectures that would never ever resemble any human need ( and i used here the term "are" instead of is to render the issue of eclecticism. You (of course I won't say me because by writing this blog I am confessing of the power of unti-ecclectisicm). You are manipulating pre-existing traits of architecture that once was considered unrecognizable in its times, and now you copy these traits and say "WE DEFINED BEAUTY". I say to you, you the architectural puppeteers, ENOUGH. Now it is time to stop thinking architecture, architecture of the traits, and start thinking Rhizometecture. Now it is time to evolve...

......Be proud to's time to Instigate......Dictate your own Fate......You're about to Detonate......
Monday, April 24, 2006
PLEA_Passive and Low Energy Building in Beirut Central District
"We can’t breathe under water...but we can generate an Amphibian".
This was the title I choose for a passive and Low Energy Building in Beirut Central District. As an Architecture undergraduate student, I found it relevant now to participate in an international competition although knowing in advance that I might not get a chance having competitors from all over the world( Italy, London, name some). The sole aim was to break the wall of Platonism and Cartesian Euclideanism in Forms and Form generation process even if this means designing a passive and sustainable and low energy building and even within strict building rules and regulations emposed on the competitors by Solidere( the constrcution company behind reconstructing beirut).
So being an architecture maniac, my proposal was to build an amphibian, a building that lives both inside and outside water( outside water as is the case of all buildings, and inside water due to the fact that beirut is a costal city always suceptible to heavy rains).
Now consider an amphibian, a smooth-skinned vertebrate, such as a frog or salamander, that characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva with gills. The larva then transforms into an adult having air-breathing lungs. We could, implementing high-end computer aided design and animation software, to not only design but also generate a Residential Amphibian; a building capable of literally breathing in summer and warming itself in winter adapting to the Lebanese ecological and environmental surrounding; hence maintaining a bottom-up approach in energy responsive architectural design.
contending the extensive use of technology in preserving our internal and external ecology hence environment, there is a potentiality of using technology, especially high end animation software as simulation and manipulation tools to help generate a building that might be once considered an Amphibian, adapting and abiding by the rules of the environment.Saturday, April 15, 2006
Anti_Positivistic Rhizometecture...
Here where I want to initiate my speculations about anti-positivism and the anti-positivistic architect/human being. We(positivistic adherances) highly accept the existence of the "X"-thing yet on the same hand we negate its feasablility. Then how could we perceive it?

To know speculations for unanswered iterations, Interact and converse to this post, to groove in an interface of anti-positivism.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
On the verge of a shift...

On the verge of a new yet old paradigm, I hereby speculate of a post-systemism, a systemic paradigm that is subject not to philosophical humanitarian paranoia, but a systemic paradigm that renders constructivism as not only a theoretical tool but a practical implementation on the human being to satisfy his only being.