This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Final Senior Project Review...

To all rhizomatic readers of my blog, it is known that an old promised event, by time, it becomes of no value. Nevertheless, my promise to you to reveal my senior project is now under execution.
Alas, after many weeks of research, communication, installation and adaptation to latest 3D simulation softwares, and few pre-reviews, i came to finally present my Diploma senior project last wednesday on the 20th of December 2006. As for the review itself, I just want to say that it turned out to becoming a rather intellectual debate lecture about post-systemic and post-platonic conceptions of forms and from-generation. I believe this sums it up. The jury members were dubious at some issues, but this only occurred due to some obscured drawings presented (but i tell you it was part of my subliminal aim to conveying such an atmosphere of uncertainty). The final evaluation was a success in the conceptual proposal, the formal and spatial aesthetic portrayal, but of course, as many of you guys out there (interested in reading such stuff), the structural analysis came to a momentum hindrance due to the lack of tools (especially CNC milling machines, the lack of digital technologies in the middle eastern culture in general, and the lack of profound research in the development of custom-made structural solutions); nevertheless, in these cases, referring to lately developed prototypes as similar to Anish Capoor millennium park, Frank Ghery's innovative solutions...all provided persuasive response to hindered issues.
I know now you are being deterritorialized by the above sentences and you are more than eager to peak at some of the presented work. So here it is in its partiality.Enjoy the so-called "an Architectural Masturbation"

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