Architecture, a word whose contents exceeded those of simply mere buildings into the computer space itself. Indeed, there is computer architecture, dealing with the inner core of the computer. Very large scale integrations, designing the chips, those tiny elements we see hanging up on the circuit board. Chips brought together in that striated space of the computer core. Really fascinating the term architecture. But what if we adapt architecture to our daily interactions. What if we come one day to call, meeting yody, an architectural breakthrough (Yody is an amalgam of words generated herein to refer to any person X interacting with person Y (Y happens to be a nomad in this case) in the integrated space of the computer). Again, what if we come to call, meeting yody, an architectural breakthrough. What if we appropriated architecture to be integrated in any mere interaction between two people, X and Y, meeting online? If architecture is about the amelioration and the favouring of interaction or generating social interaction among living beings, then interacting with yody, online- in the computer’s cyberspace of the internet, is too an architectural innovation; not to say an architecturally generated interaction. I know for the time being, the above tackled subject is simply considered of having no contextual linkage. Nevertheless, what if intertexuality is part or is considered as the major constituent in this interactive online architectural space. It seems true the hypothesis that generating textual derivatives for any social interaction online is in itself similar or part of the Rhizomatic assemblaging of an architectural wholeness. In other words, textual amalgams generated in any online dialogue, reveal in one way an architectural coherence to the real yet virtual environment of cyberspace. Hence making it for once realer than the real. To be later brought into assemblage in a unified whole architectonized space.
Referring back to the previous post, the above hypothesis would be an initiative to one day linking between the virtual space of the internet into a realer than real collaborative space whereby online interactions are merely part of a more global architectural networking.
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