eulogy |ˈyoōləjē|
noun ( pl. -gies)
a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died.
(apple built-in oxford dictionary)
Is gaza dead?
another title to be left unanswered in the uncanny world of democracy.
OCCUPATION HAS ALWAYS FAILD, THIS IS OUR LAND".. It's what Tim Robbins uttered to Tom Cruise when the later asked him to stop digging an escape tunnel in the Steven Spielberg movie: "war of the worlds".
and who would have thought of that, occupation is already here, BUT again , THIS IS OUR LAND ..
When robert McNamara traveled to Hanoi six times to meet with Vietnamese leaders involved in the Vietnam war, he was told by some officials to be paraphrased as follows: " are fighting other countries on our soil from one hand and claiming we are terrorists when we resist on the other hand,... but we will ultimately win because we are fighting for a belief, a cause , we are fighting for existence, that such cause could never be over-run by stated ordered democracy..."
..and it proved correct..
but what if the opposing offender lose, could it be that an international tribunal might come to ground bringing offenders to trial as war criminals? (quoting too from McNamara's interview movie)
Though again, Why shall they fight back , let them blow their trebuchets.. see the roman empire, a few handful of mongols managed to bring down the Huge empire, and what was the equation:
Resistance+ love of land+ the basic need's' of life+security+social values..
Abraham Maslow was right when he considered basic needs at the bottom part of his "hierarchy of needs" pyramid. he was exceedingly correct when he considered that no one can leap from one need to another. and the need here is not security, it exceeds it into the fight for life, for living, for breathing, for food then for security. that's what the resistance was all about, and that's why freedom and free of choice shall prevail!
When crucifixion is not a myth, when reality depends on not what is written but what is witnessed, what is seen and sensed and perceived and believed in.
Then gaza is not dead, and IT shall Resurrect !
N.B: the above eulogy is to memorialize the clean-handed innocent children, the women, the elderly.. though it has nothing hidden in its confines to deliver any message to any party nor to be taken as a boost to any resistance whatsoever. It nonetheless sends a clear message, a message of humanitarian support and awakening to the world, shooting out loud: ENOUGH. it is time to build societies, not to burn them. it is time to build cultures not to deteriorate them. it is time to love humanely not to diminish man.. IT IS TIME TO LIVE AND LET LIVE
This blog attitudinize a novice in the cosmology of Systemism and specifically the system's paradigmatic shifts. What follows are speculations which I think you should all (members of the swarm) pose to.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
thirst..hunger.. adjectives, but can they feel the need of food, and water..
Christmas, can it feel the need for christmas ?
what's that relation between CHRISTMAS and christmas.. the relation between a Signified(if any) and multiple signifiers.
what about emotional feelings, taking love as a rat lab.
can love demand love?
is it the accretive need for love in order to persist?
an introduction to a dialogue that shall strive to be told at another space and time.
now back to that ONE spirit that shall never long as gamma rays are emitted upon splitting atoms to reach all mankind-on earth and beyond; as long as happiness is a pursue and not something we can wait for to arrive by itself; and as long as we reach self actualization if and only we believe in dreams to be real, to work for them to achieve them (referring to Joseph and Mary's dreams); and as long as we actualize virtual reality to becoming a realized matter; and as long as the sun is there to give us heat and light without separating one from the other (the father, son and the holy ghost), then we shall never seize to greet each other by saying:
Woulida al masi7 .. hallilouya
CHRIST IS BORN .. hallelujah
Christmas, can it feel the need for christmas ?
what's that relation between CHRISTMAS and christmas.. the relation between a Signified(if any) and multiple signifiers.
what about emotional feelings, taking love as a rat lab.
can love demand love?
is it the accretive need for love in order to persist?
an introduction to a dialogue that shall strive to be told at another space and time.
now back to that ONE spirit that shall never long as gamma rays are emitted upon splitting atoms to reach all mankind-on earth and beyond; as long as happiness is a pursue and not something we can wait for to arrive by itself; and as long as we reach self actualization if and only we believe in dreams to be real, to work for them to achieve them (referring to Joseph and Mary's dreams); and as long as we actualize virtual reality to becoming a realized matter; and as long as the sun is there to give us heat and light without separating one from the other (the father, son and the holy ghost), then we shall never seize to greet each other by saying:
Woulida al masi7 .. hallilouya
CHRIST IS BORN .. hallelujah
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Misconstrued elegy..
N.B: all above pictures are captured using canon eos 30 elan 7 slr film camera using Ilford XP2 Super 400 black and white film.
It's been quite an interesting blackout since i last posted on blogspot, however, and me going back on the track of acculturating online again; i'll herald some brief moments that stood a point in the past few months.
.. it's been work that's been taking all time. in fact part of that time, not all of the time.. next to work, it was transportation.. you know how it's in lebanon to cross 10 km daily.. there's somehow a formula for lebanese transportation: in the morning, between 7.30 and 8.00: 1 km=> 10 min in beirut and district.. between 8 and 12.00 1 km=>5 min. between 17.00 and 18.30, 1km=>11 min..
but wait a minute, did anyone mention public transportation? yes, i did .. the governments' mafias decided unanimously to "terminate" all government owned buses to be replaced by Politicians' owned ones. but then that "governmental mafia" was overturned by some other local street gangs and decided that buses should only be "under the sole rule" of that one person standing at ses... square obtaining a 1000 l.l for every bus, 40 buses a day, hence achieving a min of 700,000 l.l per month. yes, that's the guy who only has to stand at that specific street crossing to organize buses.
nevertheless, this post won't be to shed light on the already defamed lebanese "public' transportation, than to simply post some of the "personal" things i found interesting for you-readerly writers of my blog to enjoy and adhere to.
Even though participating in the 10 km "run for chance" beirut marathon event, and passing those 10 km in 1 hour and 42 minutes (couldn't run due to lack of training), i shall herein try to post some images of the marathon as an addendum to this post.
.."he discovered an orphan line of thinkers affiliated only in their opposition to the state philosophy that would nevertheless accord them minor positions in its canon. from Lucretius, Hume, Spinoza, Nietzsche, and Bergson there runs a "secret link constituted by the critique of negativity, the cultivation of joy, the hatred of interiority, the exteriority of forces and relations, the denunciation of power." Gille Deleuze cross-fertilized that line of "Nomad thought" with contemporary theory..." see a User's Guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Brian Massumi, p.2-3
and so does nomad, being bound by that exact lineage, that secret link to bind them to nomad thought. It's that ability to bring heterogeneities into an assemblage keeping on that multiplicity within the marginal footnotes.
As i always put it, to thrive, strive, we need to embark the footnotes. we need to be on the footnotes, the marginals that would obliterate the imposing force of the self into a power-self that would reign over war state (machinic state).
.. it goes without saying, the dilation of the tight present into a contemporaneous of future-past coexistence, would pave ways to incorporating timely heterogeneities to be assembled again, presumably speculating, into a neo, or sort of, a post-theory of forms.
Enough of the nomadic thoughts illustrations, let us now scrutinize together some of the "future-past" dilations temporized in black and white as to avoid inter-cultural conflicts, of course me being a pacifist, wouldn't allow for any other.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
an Obliterating self..

What if the Roman Brittania has this safety b-box with it's rival keeper, BbS..
What if Cyrus II empire is and shall reach obliteration? and by whose authorities? the 51st gate city.. but hey, they might need it. IF Cyrus II knew of his empire's atrocities, then he would have asked for that himself..
What if MEbcD was to be nuked down to its 7th layers, claiming it's the meteorite who did all that ( and what meteorite we're talking about? who's maneuvering it? what launcher ;) ..
It's quite a disparaging act to think for a while that THEY do care. I don't care, then why should they?
Integrity my fellow members of the swarm, here where it all sums up. Integrity.
We are asked to obey "norms", standards "they" think might be satisfactory to the development of thinking.. yet what are those norms? let's consider norms in architecture, many come to "vitruvianize" architecture. Why do i care if a certain door is 80 or 90 cm, whereby the thing i need most is to pass from a certain space to another. Why do windows need to be 1 m levitated from the finished floor level.. well this is the case "those proclaiming to be architects "think in Lebanon and the whole "ME" as not to blame the Lebanese solely for that idiosyncratic act (it's turning into a Neufertian move of affects).
And some try to "vitruvianize" politics, even they try to "vitruvianize" social values, socio-political and socio-geographical facts.. isn't it not what BbS wants from his last act of the play?
Nomad concludes that it seems it's time to change those norms, rather to obliterate them. It's time to dictate the new neo-norms, the new values of perception, of cognition. After all knowledge is not innate, but rather accreted (isn't it what edgar le Moigne painstakingly worked on to negate descartes' old epistemological knowledge?)
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The architectural atrocities of Lebanon's Neo-Architects (of those proclaiming to be architects)
It has been a time since i last posted, but here I am, though described by some as complexifying things, nevertheless, I am here to project unto you, fellow Rhizometects and Nomads, the current unacceptable atrocities and hegemonic unpropitious manipulations that are being daily deterritorializing the uncanny world of architecture, more to focus on the so-called "Lebanese Architecture".
"WE CREATE, WE DESIGN, WE ARE ARCHITECTS". These are the terms that sum up today's Lebanese so-called architects. They create, yet they fail to evolutionize a "form" from its embryologic state. They design yet fail to comprehend the origins of architecture itself. They admit of being eclectic, but what is eclecticism? is it the "copy-paste" of "elements" we "like"? what is copy-paste, the apogee of fraud itself. what are elements, the end result of profound theoretical and philosophical inquiries to reach certain assessments that reveal to the eyes as elements ornamenting today's architectural forms. And what are shapes we like and objects we dislike? Is architecture a matter of taste? can we sense the flavor of a certain building? do senses provide an objective criteria to criticize architectural designs?
Well, it seems there do exist people in lebanon and outside, presumably architects, who seem to taste architecture. They pretend to judge any design just in the first 3 seconds after peaking at it. They only need to say either one of the two words, i like , i don't like. Who are they to express such atrocities? They claim they can "create" the ultimate solutions for all problems, and they can go with it harmlessly. Design to them is to work with concrete. And what do they know ab out concrete? concrete and form work to them is metal beams and ribs poured with concrete mixture. To them architecture is to know how to realize a certain multi-story building will repetitive floors, yet still having that 1960's design techniques. To them architecture is opening Autocad, copying files, elements, drawing the detail of an aluminum window, projecting elevations whose grid would be nothing but cartesian. Tilted lines to them are innovations, heh, and they say they are deconstructing (funny no? ). Those are the so-called Lebanese architects. They are the pseudo-Palladians yet failing to realize who Andrea Palladio is. Creativity to them is to draft on Autocad and copy the exact details found in any of Palladio's villas. Hey, I like that colonnade, let's copy it. I like those window details, let's see if we can fit them inside that rectangular facade. HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF GOLDEN SECTIONS??? And what about those colonnades, why a tripple column colonnade, why a logia... why this, why that? is it cause Palladio used them and we succeeded in copying them?
I can talk and talk till infinity pin-pointing current atrocities among Lebanese architects, yet the aim here is not to show defects, not to warn you clients of not investing in those Lebanese architects; but to shed some light on the local and global architectural knowledge, it's presuppositions and conceptions, its Raisons D'etres, the epistemology, and teleology in the uncanny world of design.
Having said that, in the coming posts I shall try to reflect some reversed procedural methodologies in how to initiate Lebanese to first eliminate subjective eclecticism from their intellectual dictionaries, then start providing teleological conceptions to amend the past atrocities in the Lebanese architectural heritage.
"WE CREATE, WE DESIGN, WE ARE ARCHITECTS". These are the terms that sum up today's Lebanese so-called architects. They create, yet they fail to evolutionize a "form" from its embryologic state. They design yet fail to comprehend the origins of architecture itself. They admit of being eclectic, but what is eclecticism? is it the "copy-paste" of "elements" we "like"? what is copy-paste, the apogee of fraud itself. what are elements, the end result of profound theoretical and philosophical inquiries to reach certain assessments that reveal to the eyes as elements ornamenting today's architectural forms. And what are shapes we like and objects we dislike? Is architecture a matter of taste? can we sense the flavor of a certain building? do senses provide an objective criteria to criticize architectural designs?
Well, it seems there do exist people in lebanon and outside, presumably architects, who seem to taste architecture. They pretend to judge any design just in the first 3 seconds after peaking at it. They only need to say either one of the two words, i like , i don't like. Who are they to express such atrocities? They claim they can "create" the ultimate solutions for all problems, and they can go with it harmlessly. Design to them is to work with concrete. And what do they know ab out concrete? concrete and form work to them is metal beams and ribs poured with concrete mixture. To them architecture is to know how to realize a certain multi-story building will repetitive floors, yet still having that 1960's design techniques. To them architecture is opening Autocad, copying files, elements, drawing the detail of an aluminum window, projecting elevations whose grid would be nothing but cartesian. Tilted lines to them are innovations, heh, and they say they are deconstructing (funny no? ). Those are the so-called Lebanese architects. They are the pseudo-Palladians yet failing to realize who Andrea Palladio is. Creativity to them is to draft on Autocad and copy the exact details found in any of Palladio's villas. Hey, I like that colonnade, let's copy it. I like those window details, let's see if we can fit them inside that rectangular facade. HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF GOLDEN SECTIONS??? And what about those colonnades, why a tripple column colonnade, why a logia... why this, why that? is it cause Palladio used them and we succeeded in copying them?
I can talk and talk till infinity pin-pointing current atrocities among Lebanese architects, yet the aim here is not to show defects, not to warn you clients of not investing in those Lebanese architects; but to shed some light on the local and global architectural knowledge, it's presuppositions and conceptions, its Raisons D'etres, the epistemology, and teleology in the uncanny world of design.
Having said that, in the coming posts I shall try to reflect some reversed procedural methodologies in how to initiate Lebanese to first eliminate subjective eclecticism from their intellectual dictionaries, then start providing teleological conceptions to amend the past atrocities in the Lebanese architectural heritage.
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